SciFi, Comic Book, and Other Genre Movies and Shows Filmed on Long Island

Sometimes Long Island is called Hollywood East, especially by the tourist bureau that wants more movies to be filmed here. Below we present a list of genre movies and TV shows that were made on Long Island.

Avengers (2010)

Back in 2010 the big news on Long Island was that the all-star cast of the new Marvel movie was going to take up all seven stages at Grumman Studios in Bethpage. “The Avengers is a huge movie,” said Grumman Studios President Parviz Farahzad at the time. That is an understatement considering what followed.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

The Andrew Garfield-led pic in the Marvel universe (multiverse) of films was also partially shot at Grumman Studios. According to an article in Newsday at the time, the sequel was expected to be “one of the most expensive films made on Long Island…”

Jessica Jones (2017)

Again from Marvel, the Netflix series Jessica Jones filmed scenes from season two at the Long Island Aquarium in Riverhead. According to, “Riverhead Town allowed ABC Studios, one of the series’ production companies, along with Marvel Television and Tall Girls Productions, to use municipal parking on the shooting day, according to an agreement between the town and company.”

Batman Forever (1995)

You probably don’t remember this because the movie is so forgettable – or memorable for its schlockiness after two Tim Burton outings – but in 1995, The Webb Institute in Glen Cove served as the exterior of Wayne Manor in Batman Forever which starred Val Kilmer, Jim Carey, Nicole Kidman, and Tommy Lee Jones.

Gotham (2014)

The FOX television series Gotham also used The Webb Institute as a backdrop for Wayne Manor.

Joker (2018)

Yep! The Webb Institute has such an iconic old look that the Joaquin Phoenix vehicle, The Joker, used the place as Wayne Manor in that film too. (I really gotta visit this spot!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2013)

Remember the one where the turtles were made up to look like nightmare versions of themselves that actually seemed like they did live in the sewer rather than the wise-cracking, fun-loving versions we all grew up with? That one was filmed at Sands Point Preserve and Jones Beach.

Gemini Man

This was also filmed at Sands Point Preserve. I didn’t even remember this movie existed until I saw it was filmed there.

Men in Black 3 (2012)

According to, the Cape Canaveral site for the Apollo 11 launch was recreated at Robert Moses State Park in Babylon, where the entrance to the underground bunker was created at Field 4.

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)

Montauk and Wainscott were both locations for this movie about how Jim Carey scrubs Kate Winslet from his brain and vice versa.

Photo: Stevenson Taylor Hall used as Wayne Manor in multiple Batman-related media.