Long Island Doctor Who Con 2024: Bigger On the Inside and Ready to Expand for 2025

The 2024 Long Island Doctor Who conference is one for the books. Three days of programs that included guest panels, meet and greets with the stars, and a whole lot of Whovians, some dressed to the nines in as their favorite characters. This year’s con was one of the best ever, according to Ken Deep, con organizer and founder.

“This was our best turnout since we moved to the Holiday Inn,” he said. “We had 540 attendees across the three days.”

If you thought the con was packed this year, you were right but Deep is already looking at ways to expand.

“I’ve met with the hotel management about ways to increase our space,” he said.

According to Deep, they weren’t sold out, but they were kind of sold out – it’s a bit timey-wimey.

“We didn’t say we were sold out because there were a number of single day passes,” he said.

We spoke to a number of attendees at the con. A father and daughter duo from Queens (who chose not to reveal their names) had built their own wearable, sit-in Dalek cosplay. The father said he had been a fan since the 1996 film and his daughter has been watching only since the 60th anniversary specials last year.

When asked why she wanted to build a working Dalek that she could sit inside she replied, “Why wouldn’t you!?”


Click here to watch the Dalek in action.

Mab Benedetto from Brooklyn (@outpt on Instagram) gave a great performance for us of Peri Brown, which you can watch below.


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Speaking of Peri, actress Nicola Bryant was on Long Island taking pictures and leading special hypnotherapy sessions, which she hinted at during a pre-event interview with SciFiSland.com. Read it here.

After three days of Who and a year of planning, Deep said he was exhausted.

“I’m sure all of the Long Island Doctor Who staff are,” he said. “We’re all volunteers who work for the enjoyment of others. We run on adrenaline! But the positive responses from our attendees make it all worthwhile.”

And there’s no rest for the weary.

“I’m already working on Long Island Doctor Who 2025,” he said. “We announced the first four guests a year ahead of time for the first time in our history!”

It already sounds like next year is going to top 2024.

“Next year is going to be exciting,” said Deep. “More meet and greets with our guests, a big Saturday night event, more vendors. We’re introducing a new deluxe pass too. Our website and the passes for 2025 will go on sale sooner than expected.”

Stay tuned. The Long Island Doctor Who adventure continues.

Below you can watch a quick wrap up video of the 20204 Long Island Doctor Who.


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