Bolt-Cutting Bandits Bust into Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant

Just when you thought Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant’s crazy history couldn’t get any stranger, a group of bolt-cutter-wielding vandals decided to add their own chapter. On February 8th, five individuals broke into Long Island’s most infamous nuclear facility (which never actually produced a watt of commercial electricity—making this intrusion literally pointless).

  • The Damage: Using bolt cutters, these individuals sliced through the fence at the notorious (and perpetually closed) Shoreham plant.
  • Date of Incident: February 8
  • Number of Trespassers: 5 (presumably whose hobbies include breaking-and-entering)
  • Weapon of Choice: Bolt cutters
  • Damage Cost: $2,800

The Shoreham Nuclear Facility has seen its share of drama since its $6 billion construction and subsequent abandonment after local protests and environmental concerns shuttered it in 1989. Originally built by LILCO, it never actually produced power commercially—though it did produce plenty of headaches. These trespassers were probably just curious about exploring the legendary facility and wanted to get some bragging rights.

Read our list of crazy facts about Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant here.

Authorities, naturally, aren’t amused. If you know who might be behind this latest escapade into Long Island infamy, Suffolk County Police would love a confidential chat:

  • Call/text anonymously: P3 Tips App or
  • Or dial old-school at: (800) 220-TIPS

For now, Shoreham remains Long Island’s most ironic landmark: a power plant that never powered much of anything except headlines and trouble.

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